These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of R only, and may be defunct as soon as of the next release.
simulation(formula, data, runs = 10, train = TRUE, k = 11, ...)
formula | A formula object. |
data | Matrix or data frame. |
runs | Number of crossvalidation runs. |
train | A logical value. If TRUE the training procedure for selecting optimal values of k and kernel is performed. |
k | Number or maximal number of neighbors considered, dependent of choice for train. |
... | Further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
A matrix, containing the mean and variance of the misclassification error, the absolute and the squared distances.
Hechenbichler K. and Schliep K.P. (2004) Weighted k-Nearest-Neighbor Techniques and Ordinal Classification, Discussion Paper 399, SFB 386, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (https://doi.org/10.5282/ubm/epub.1769)
and Deprecated