Authors and Citation
Alastair Potts. Author.
Tim W. White. Contributor.
Cyrill Stachniss. Contributor.
Michelle Kendall. Contributor.
Keren Halabi. Contributor.
Richel Bilderbeek. Contributor.
Kristin Winchell. Contributor.
Liam Revell. Contributor.
Mike Gilchrist. Contributor.
Jeremy Beaulieu. Contributor.
Brian O'Meara. Contributor.
Long Qu. Contributor.
Source: inst/CITATION
Schliep K.P. 2011. phangorn: phylogenetic analysis in R. Bioinformatics, 27(4) 592-593
@Article{, title = {phangorn: phylogenetic analysis in R}, author = {Klaus Schliep}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, year = {2011}, volume = {27}, number = {4}, pages = {592--593}, doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btq706}, }
Schliep, K., Potts, A. J., Morrison, D. A., Grimm, G. W. (2017), Intertwining phylogenetic trees and networks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1212--1220. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12760
@Article{, author = {Klaus Schliep and Alastair J. Potts and David A. Morrison and Guido W. Grimm}, title = {Intertwining phylogenetic trees and networks}, journal = {Methods in Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {8}, number = {10}, pages = {1212--1220}, keywords = {exploratory data analysis, networks, phangorn, R, trees}, year = {2017}, }