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nnls.tree estimates the branch length using non-negative least squares given a tree and a distance matrix. designTree and designSplits compute design matrices for the estimation of edge length of (phylogenetic) trees using linear models. For larger trees a sparse design matrix can save a lot of memory. designTree also computes a contrast matrix if the method is "rooted".


designTree(tree, method = "unrooted", sparse = FALSE, tip.dates = NULL,
  calibration = NULL, ...)

nnls.tree(dm, tree, method = c("unrooted", "ultrametric", "tipdated"),
  rooted = NULL, trace = 1, weight = NULL, balanced = FALSE,
  tip.dates = NULL, calibration = NULL)

nnls.phylo(x, dm, method = "unrooted", trace = 0, ...)

nnls.splits(x, dm, trace = 0, eps = 1e-08)

nnls.networx(x, dm, eps = 1e-08)

designSplits(x, splits = "all", ...)



an object of class phylo


compute an "unrooted", "ultrametric" or "tipdated" tree.


return a sparse design matrix.


a named vector of sampling times associated to the tips of the tree.


a named vector of calibration times associated to nodes of the tree.


further arguments, passed to other methods.


a distance matrix.


compute a "ultrametric" or "unrooted" tree (better use method).


defines how much information is printed during optimization.


vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. Weighted least squares is used with weights w, i.e., sum(w * e^2) is minimized.


use weights as in balanced fastME


number of taxa.


minimum edge length (default s 1e-8).


one of "all", "star".


nnls.tree return a tree, i.e. an object of class phylo. designTree and designSplits a matrix, possibly sparse.


Klaus Schliep


#> NJ> data(Laurasiatherian)
#> NJ> dm <-
#> NJ> tree <- NJ(dm)
#> NJ> plot(tree)

dm <-  as.matrix(dm)
y <- dm[lower.tri(dm)]
X <- designTree(tree)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = y ~ X - 1)
#> Coefficients:
#>   X89<->36    X89<->37    X77<->35    X77<->38    X73<->33    X73<->34  
#>  0.0499157   0.0491439   0.0724626   0.0755455   0.0712616   0.0725432  
#>   X65<->73    X65<->77    X51<->65    X51<->89    X75<->10    X75<->11  
#>  0.0034694   0.0099328   0.0029426   0.0432799   0.0885305   0.0820387  
#>   X62<->12    X62<->13    X86<->15    X86<->16    X67<->14    X67<->17  
#>  0.0461128   0.0479378   0.0134025   0.0151296   0.0467324   0.0580930  
#>   X63<->67    X63<->86    X59<->63    X59<->18    X88<->45    X88<->47  
#>  0.0035646   0.0360953   0.0032091   0.0775894   0.0034977   0.0063178  
#>   X80<->88    X80<->46    X74<->80    X74<->44    X72<->74    X72<->43  
#>  0.0231875   0.0381300   0.0154870   0.0421651   0.0015801   0.0392256  
#>   X85<->19    X85<->20    X79<->21    X79<->22    X71<->79    X71<->85  
#>  0.0088520   0.0092959   0.0229321   0.0224528   0.0145614   0.0299323  
#>   X81<->25    X81<->26    X87<->28    X87<->29    X82<->87    X82<->30  
#>  0.0274720   0.0286839   0.0148471   0.0117270   0.0181692   0.0364881  
#>   X70<->82    X70<->27    X68<->70    X68<->24    X66<->68    X66<->81  
#>  0.0219311   0.0563100   0.0033377   0.0569549   0.0008004   0.0221615  
#>   X61<->66    X61<->23    X60<->61    X60<->71    X58<->60    X58<->72  
#>  0.0021831   0.0502453   0.0042762   0.0102058   0.0020978   0.0117101  
#>   X57<->58    X57<->59    X56<->57    X56<->62    X53<->56    X53<->75  
#>  0.0013537   0.0043899   0.0011632   0.0063020   0.0070446   0.0117666  
#>   X84<->39    X84<->40    X78<->84    X78<->42    X52<->78    X52<->41  
#>  0.0696111   0.0583581   0.0144780   0.0701359   0.0225117   0.0792075  
#>   X50<->52    X50<->53    X49<->50    X49<->51     X92<->2     X92<->3  
#>  0.0008563   0.0018880   0.0036910   0.0033483   0.0324915   0.0274029  
#>   X91<->92     X91<->4    X90<->91     X90<->5    X83<->90     X83<->1  
#>  0.0090135   0.0362511   0.0024394   0.0505988   0.0425011   0.1170301  
#>   X69<->83     X69<->9     X64<->7     X64<->8    X55<->64     X55<->6  
#>  0.0289009   0.0967237   0.1091965   0.0693124   0.0029756   0.0874519  
#>   X54<->55    X54<->69    X76<->31    X76<->32    X48<->76    X48<->54  
#>  0.0027613   0.0065884   0.0534621   0.0681912   0.0151764   0.0010911  
#>   X48<->49  
#> -0.0018629  
# avoids negative edge weights
tree2 <- nnls.tree(dm, tree)